Enjoy.. I tease you with my bubbles

  • Dauer: 20:43
  • Views: 156
  • Datum: 23.11.2016
  • Rating:

Custom Clip Request

This is what I am thinking right now: your boyfriend is coming to see you for a date. You are wearing either a short dress or a blouse and short skirt (I like the dress in your video.. „Drunk invitation“ ..a lot, but it can be a different one if you want), with high-heel sandals or high-heel boots. You are also wearing long fancy earrings and your hair is tied up or back, but you are not wearing any stockings or panties.

When he comes into your home, you start teasing him, blowing bubbles and acting sexy for him, and he is not sure why you’re doing that. Then you lift your dress or skirt and show him you are not wearing panties, and open his pants and give him a quick blowjob. You start having sex, and I want you to keep your clothes on, just lift your dress or skirt so the camera can see him going inside you. I would like you to use several positions: for example, you could start by riding him, then standing or leaning on a table with him behind you, and then lying on your back with him on top of you. The sex should start slow but keep getting faster and harder, and you are enjoying all….

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